So what to do when you’re stuck? How do we dig ourselves out of this hole?

Hi. I’m Colin Hastings, the author of The Carbon Buddy Manual.


Over the last few years I’ve been asking people like you how they feel about climate change. Many are weighed down by the responsibility and scale of what’s required. More strikingly, I find them describing the same recurring feelings which prevent them from taking effective action: ‘I feel bad’; ‘I’m confused and overwhelmed’; ‘I’m afraid I’ll look stupid’; and probably most commonly: ‘Help! where do I start?’

Added to all of this, there’s the daily time pressure of work and family, the increasing ‘noise’ of climate change information and warnings, and very real practical and financial constraints. Public protest is an option that some consider, but many say: ‘that won’t work for me’.

At the same time, most people say they really want to make a practical difference, to do their bit to help cool the planet. Above all, they want to leave a positive legacy, a viable and vibrant future for their children and grandchildren.

All this made me think: ‘Someone has to find a way to help people break out of this dead end’.

Remaining stuck is not an option. The stakes are just too high.